RFID Technology for Improved Traceability – April 2019

Dear members,

The Australian Red Cross Blood Service (ARCBS), is setting up for significant growth in the need for a type of blood plasma donations called Apheresis plasma.

Plasma is vital for cancer treatment including leukemia and severe burn victims.  Apheresis plasma needs to pass through a unique processing stream after a combined receipt dock.

RFID is one thechnology investigated to have potential to enable automatic identification of shippers/boxes containing Apheresis plasma for automatic sortation into its processing stream which currently is a manual process.

The goal is to eliminate repetitive manual handling and allow processing technicians to focus on the actual processing of the plasma with less interruption. ARCBS is seeking contact with anybody that is using / considering RFID to interface with sortation systems or improve traceability of small goods.

ARCBS would appreciate any feedback, guidance and suggestions from Best Practice Network Members and contacts on the above, particularly if they have any knowledge around RFID.

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Magnus Ahlen, NSW Lean Co-Ordinator

Australian Red Cross Blood Service