We are delighted to announce the recipient of the “Western Australia Best Practice Networker of the Year Award” was presented to Julie Pelliciari, Executive and Compliance Coordinator at Wespine Industries.
Julie received her award from Simon Hickmott, Facilitator of WA Best Practice Network.
“Best Practice Network is a great avenue to network and share learnings with other ...
It is with great pleasure to announce Tim Niewand, VBS Director at Gilbarco Veeder-Root with the “New South Wales Best Practice Networker of the Year Award.”
Tim (pictured left) was handed his award by Andrew Gill, Facilitator Victoria Best Practice Network (pictured right).
The award recognises the numerous contributions Tim has made to the manufacturing industry over many ...
The recipient of the “Queensland Best Practice Networker of the Year Award” was presented to David Greaves, CEO, Darwalla Group.
David is an experienced business leader, with a strong Operations Management background, a proven track record in business improvement, and a long-time advocate of our Network.
David (pictured right) was recently bestowed his award by Kevin ...
Congratulations to Lawrence Baker, Chief Operating Officer at Tidd Ross Todd, the recipient of the “New Zealand Best Practice Networker of the Year Award”.
Lawrence (pictured on the right) was recently presented with his award by TRT Director, Robert Carden, (pictured on the left).
The award recognises the numerous contributions Lawrence has made to the manufacturing industry ...
Business Life Online, Norfolk, UK, recently interviewed our very own fabulous Kevin Bennett, Best Practice Network Facilitator QLD / NSW.
Listen to this lively and fun podcast presented by Business & Career columnist Richard Maun and Norfolk Online’s Anna Stevenson.
In this episode they speak to Kevin Bennett about Networking and hear how he helps people to develop ...
Our heartfelt congratulations go to Jim Glover, Group Manager – Continuous Improvement at Visy Group, who was the recipient of the “Victorian Best Practice Networker of the Year Award”.
The award recognises Jim’s countless contributions to the manufacturing industry over many years, and for his tremendous efforts in networking and promoting excellence within the Victorian business ...
COVIDSAFE Best Practice Network Events
As restrictions slowly begin to ease throughout Australia and New Zealand, we look forward to welcoming our members and contributors back to in person events at Best Practice Network where safe and possible.
The safety and wellbeing of members, presenters, participants, and staff is our number one priority, so we ask everyone to ...
Best Practice Network would like to thank you for your continued support throughout 2020.
Our offices will be closed from Thursday 24 December 2020 and will reopen Monday 11 January 2021.
We wish you, your colleagues and your loved ones all the best for a safe and happy festive season,
and look forward to seeing you in the ...
We have made it to the end of 2020, a year that has seen tremendous challenges for all.
Best Practice Network was fortunate to have been able to continue to provide our valued members and partners with a wide range of diverse and high quality events, ensuring we had something to suit everyone in all areas ...
What Have We Been Up To?
Our calendar of events in 2020, has seen the Best Practice Network produce close to 80 events to date with a near mammoth 140 events in total by the end of this year.
And we have loved every moment of it.
From Business Leaders Forums, Special Interest Groups, Highlights at Twilight, International ...