NSW Best Practice Networker of the Year Award – Congratulations Tim Niewand

It is with great pleasure to announce Tim Niewand, VBS Director at Gilbarco Veeder-Root with the “New South Wales Best Practice Networker of the Year Award.”

Tim (pictured left) was handed his award by Andrew Gill, Facilitator Victoria Best Practice Network (pictured right).
The award recognises the numerous contributions Tim has made to the manufacturing industry over many years, and for his incredible efforts in networking and promoting excellence within the NSW business community.

“Thank you Andrew Gill, Kevin Bennett and all Best Practice Network facilitators and members. I was pleased to be awarded the NSW Networker of the Year award. This award is a surprise, as I haven’t travelled to NSW for over 12 months, and it challenges pre-COVID norms about networking and collaboration. Like many, I’ve been conducting virtual networking activities recently. I enjoy connecting people and bringing out their best. It goes to show you can make a difference in this post COVID world of remote work.” Tim Niewand.

“Excellent work Tim. Your participation, enthusiasm and engagement at Network events and forums always provide great insights and sharing. Networking and collaboration takes many forms, reinforcing our key themes of Knowledge / Leadership and Improvement.” Kevin Bennett, Facilitator QLD & NSW, Best Practice Network.


Congratulations Tim!


Each individual winner across all Best Practice Network regions
(New Zealand, Victoria, Queensland New South Wales and Western Australia),
will go forward as the potential
Australia, New Zealand & Vietnam Best Practice Networker Award winner for 2021
to be announced on Tuesday 11 May 2021.
